Hope For Healing

Substance use disorders affect an entire family……

Who today does not know someone whose life has been impacted by substance use or misuse?

Research demonstrates that a family-centered approach to treatment, recovery and family well-being, and improves outcomes when the complex needs of each family member are met.  Supportive services exist to provide educational programs and evidence informed resources for parents, concerned significant others (CSO) and students.

“A family-centered approach extends well beyond the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment system, child welfare system, courts and mental health services, and includes all other agencies and individuals who interact with and serve families.  A family-centered approach to SUD treatment provides a comprehensive array of clinical treatment and related support services that meet the needs of each family member, not just the individual requesting care.”

~ SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration)


Many highly qualified organizations and agencies are available to help individuals and families find the resources they need on the road to recovery.  The following organizations are supported by SOS(S) for their outstanding individual and family recovery resource information.  These organizations have invaluable tools for families on how to help loved ones heal from a dependency on drugs or alcohol.

There Is Hope For Healing by understanding the reason behind why people turn to substance use for emotional pain.





partnership to end addiction logo

“Not sure how to prevent drug use?  Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use?  We have the science and research-backed information to help you help your child.”

Visit the PARTNERSHIP TO END ADDICTION to find tips for preventing substance use, resources for families to help guide their loved ones to treatment and guidance on managing recovery from addiction. 

  • Helping Families Support Loved Ones
  • Connect for free personalized Family Recovery support and services
  • Advancing Care and Prevention
  • Treatment and Recovery

CLICK on the following PARTNERSHIP TO END ADDICTION links below to see how you can get connected with valuable FAMILY RECOVERY SERVICES & RESOURCES to help you, help your child:  

Family Recovery Service & Resources

Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)

SafeLocator.org : To find support and treatment for you or your loved one (Powered by Partnership to End Addiction)

“Community Reinforcement and Family Training, or CRAFT, is an approach for families who have a loved one struggling with substances, but who is not really interested in making changes or getting help.  CRAFT is about learning a different method to communicate with and support your loved one.  It is about taking are of yourself, while also learning how to interact with your loved one in a way that increases the likelihood of making a real change.”  

                 ~ Partnership to End Addiction

family recovery